mrplay.com is committed to "CARE" - Customers Are Really Everything. They have implemented a professional customer support team ready to assist you 7 days a week from 8am to 00.00am CET. Please do not hesitate to contact the mrplay.com team. Just click on Contact Us
Mr Play
Mrplay.com is a brand owned by Marketplay LTD, a company incorporated under the laws of Malta.
The games on this website are powered by software belonging to Aspire Global International LTD, a Malta based company which is a fully licensed operator (MGA/CL1/408/2007) under the Malta Gaming Authority.
In Great Britain only, the games on this website are operated by AG Communications Limited, a Malta based company with registration number C48328 and having registered office at 135, High street, Sliema SLM 1549, Malta, which is licensed and regulated by the United Kingdom Gambling Commission (Remote Gaming License Number 000-039483-R-319409-001).
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mrplay.com utilizes the latest 128-bit Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption technology to ensure that sensitive data is transferred securely over the internet to a secure server, which is protected by the latest firewall.
Payment Processing
At mrplay.com, the desire is to make the customers enjoy and free their minds, at all times, that’s why thecompany offers a wide variety of deposit options and fast cashouts, all of which are user friendly and secure. All the credit and debit card transactions are processed by Aspire Global International LTD, a company located, licensed, and incorporated in Malta. Aspire Global International LTD, provides mrplay.com with the best, safest and most secure transactions.
Responsible Gaming & Underage Gambling
mrplay.com encourages you to PLAY RESPONSIBLY at mrplay.com. If you find yourself with a compulsive gambling problem please seek professional help. You can find your local branch of Gamblers-Anonymous at: www.gamblersanonymous.org
For your knowledge it is illegal for anyone under 18 to open an account or to play on mrplay.com.
mrplay.com is committed to provide fair play at all times.
There are 350 popular slot games including Rainbow, Riches, Starburst, Fruity Friends and more at mrplay.com.
The company cooperates with the most qualified game producers in the sector and develops day by day.
At mrplay.com, you can feel the excitement of live action and enjoy Live Casino games on your PC and mobile devices. You can stay in control with mr.play’s selection of table games including card games and roulette.
Excellent Customer Support
mrplay.com is committed to “CARE” – Customers Are Really Everything. They have implemented a professional customer support team ready to assist you 7 days a week from 8am to 00.00am CET. Please do not hesitate to contact the mrplay.com team. Just click on Contact Us
John Doe
10 Mar, 2022Vestibulum quis viverra massa. Nullam in ante non eros fermentum rhoncus id eget justo. Sed pellentesque augue arcu, sit amet volutpat turpis aliquet quis. Nam ullamcorper a ligula ut porta. Ut eu sodales nisi, at placerat nibh. Duis a quam nec nisl feugiat pretium sit amet a massa. Mauris lacinia ligula eu leo vestibulum, a varius erat eleifend.
Tom Smith
10 Mar, 2022Nulla laoreet tortor vitae ipsum egestas eleifend. Cras tincidunt, diam eu tempor dignissim, velit massa mollis turpis, et dictum turpis nibh ut nisl. Praesent aliquam quam euismod finibus gravida. Etiam nisl ipsum, mattis quis eros ut, maximus posuere tortor. Nulla non venenatis risus, sed ullamcorper lacus. Aenean non mi quam.
Tom Smith
10 Mar, 2022Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque eget leo enim. Donec varius placerat elementum. Donec sodales vulputate felis sit amet maximus. Donec eu lacinia metus, ut pharetra felis. Sed suscipit sagittis sapien quis cursus. Mauris sit amet velit dolor. Curabitur interdum congue diam. Proin eget mi a ipsum lobortis egestas in sit amet felis. Sed pulvinar nulla vel est sollicitudin feugiat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae.
John Doe
10 Mar, 2022Nullam lobortis quis leo non cursus. Aliquam eget felis ac turpis pellentesque condimentum id vel dolor. Curabitur eu turpis a tortor viverra dignissim eget vitae nibh. Ut in dapibus eros. Integer vitae libero tellus. Donec faucibus mi at quam viverra varius. Curabitur id ipsum a mauris mollis ornare eu ac ipsum. Nullam ac nunc nunc. Fusce accumsan tempor sem, nec fringilla eros sodales in. Maecenas at massa ligula.
John Doe
10 Mar, 2022Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tempor auctor lorem a egestas. Fusce ut est consectetur, imperdiet odio a, elementum neque. Proin non turpis in lacus sollicitudin lacinia posuere ac nisl. Maecenas sed turpis non elit hendrerit congue in ut nisi. Suspendisse ac sapien ut leo ullamcorper tincidunt. Donec tincidunt nisl dolor, vitae efficitur elit hendrerit vitae.